About Soutchai

Soutchai International is a group of companies exciting more than 15 years.

Soutchai Transport – Soutchai Travel – Soutchai Resort – Soutchai catering and food – Soutchai Currency Exchange – Soutchai Import Export

Soutchai Transport and Travel

Your safety comes first – Travel in comfort and with convenience

We are one of the biggest passenger transportation companies in Laos.

We have over 50 busses, mini Busses, Vans and Electric sightseeing cars.

With easy online booking and payment with any international credit card in Laos or outside.

With Online customer service and information center.

Soutchai has cooperation agreement with train network all over Laos, we connect bus and train travel together. Also between new high speed China Lao Train and local train network.

You can buy train tickets online on our website and transport to or from train stations.

We provide transport by bus or train or combination to all neighboring countries) Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, China, Myanmar)

Airline tickets and Airport transfers are also available.

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